Gouranga Das
Gouranga Das
With the onslaught of trade reforms and structural changes affecting many countries, economic growth and development problems are inseparable from the issues of international trade and commercial policy. Since my post-graduates studies, as different developing nations were undergoing trade reforms and structural changes the issues related to openness and economic development interested me. This culminated into writing an M. Phil thesis and publications on the topic of intra-industry trade between countries at different stages of development path. Interdependent economic phenomena raise a myriad of issues related to growing international economic integration under the aegis of ‘globalization’. Later, in somewhat different vein, my doctoral thesis explored the effects of Absorptive Capacity (AC) and Structural Congruence (SS) in harnessing the technologies transferred via trade.
Following the doctoral research, Prof. Das’s work in several contexts has shaped the contours of his research. However, issues related to global trade and economic growth and development remain at the core of much of his research extensions. In his research, Gouranga considers the impact of trade and technology on both factor and product markets and welfare effects of policy changes. One appealing area that he concentrates on is the interconnectedness of technology, trade and development (broader sense). Mr. Das’s Post-doctoral research explores diversified issues in the context of forestry sector and biotechnology in case of the United States and other major countries. With co-researchers, he considered the issues of adhering to the environmental norms set by policy imperatives and rise in the cost of production for investing in clean technology (R&D for better environment-friendly technology). Growing evidence about global warming and climate change has prompted him to analyze the consequences of newer technological innovation and its impacts on trade and sustainable development.
Currently, Prof. Das is (broadly) interested in researching on the following thematic issues:
(i) Issues related to Globalization, Technological change, Institutions and Development with special focus on governance and democracy, better business and investment climate. He is interested in inequality and poverty impact of trade-technology policy.
(ii) Sustainable, Inclusive Growth and Development: Many governments and international organizations have considered trade, technology and environment policies to promote sustainable growth and development. Such issues are expected to cause intense social, economic and environmental impacts both at the regional and global level. Under this theme, Prof. Das is interested in working on New Technology, and its role in Food and Nutrition Security, Land-use and Food security issues.
(iii) Trade in Intermediates, Skill-biased Technological Progress, and Outsourcing: Issues like outsourcing, product fragmentation, employment and productivity convergence, impact of free trade agreement on labor market adjustment catch his attention. Coming from developing country India, the issue of skill-unskilled wage gap and informal sector is his area of interest.
Practical policy oriented analysis of such issues is primary motive of his research. For investigating the interplay of issues and context, he follows economy-wide Impact Analysis of these issues via Applied (Computable) General Equilibrium Modeling—at the regional as well as global level.
As much of Prof. Das’s research attempts to make a synergy between theory and empirics, he has chosen both developed and developing countries to be the context of his empirical research. He is interested in exploring the issues in the context of fastest going, upcoming nations like India (his native country), China, Brazil, Russia, South Africa, Mexico (BRICSAM), as well as Africa.
Expertise: Computable General Equilibrium Modelling, Trade and Economic Development
Full CV: Gouranga Das
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